Our Offerings

Purpose-First Segmentation

Traditional segmentation methods start with defining audience groups based on demographics, psychographics, geographic location, or behaviors and then describing their common traits.

Our purpose-first segmentation approach is centered around matching you and your best customers based on shared purpose and principles.

We begin by outlining what matters most to your brand identity and goals and then determine the groups of people who are the best fit based on those priorities.

From there, we create robust profiles of your best customers and use these to advise on your complete customer experience including marketing, digital, and product strategies.

    • Purpose-First Audience Profiles

    • Audience Research Summary

    • Audience and Opportunity Size

    • Media and Messaging Recommendations

    • Product & Features Roadmap

Our Offerings

Digital CX Benchmarking

Our approach begins with a deep understanding of customer experience and the attributes that are most associated with strong business performance. 

We begin evaluating your business performance and digital CX by asking four fundamental questions:

  1. How well do you know your customers?

  2. How well do you apply these insights?

  3. How well are you set up to execute?

  4. How well are you set up to sustain and evolve?

Through years of working with some of the top brands in the world on their digital CX and a proprietary benchmark survey of hundreds of business professionals, we’re able to objectively identify the areas that need the most focus and tailor both a strategy and a tangible path forward.

    • Custom CX Business Performance Benchmark Report

    • Full Diagnostic and Prioritized Solutions

    • Immediate Optimizations and Future Roadmap

    • Implementation Partner Recommendations

Our Offerings

Applied Innovation Consulting

Working alongside your team, we explore all aspects of your business from current capabilities to business goals. We present current trends, examples, and inspiration in your industry to facilitate a working session to address the “art of the possible”.

We then ground the solutions in reality. The realities of your business, your priorities, and your customers. Through market testing and analyzing feasibility and effort, we are able to come up with a list of prioritized solutions for the emerging technology that go beyond novelty to true value-creation.

The next step is to craft the path to launch including strategy, marketing, engineering, and measurement. We refine, scope, and beta launch your practical value solution alongside your internal teams and our development partners.

    • Current technology landscape overview

    • Customer journey scenarios

    • Ideation workshops

    • Prioritized solution list

    • PRD, PoC prototype, GTM plan

    • Beta launch of your solutions